We Believe...

In the Sovereignty of God

There is one God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- the Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all. Through human sin and rebellion all of creation fell into brokenness and separation from the thrice holy God. But God, who is rich in mercy, determined through the incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of His one and only Son to redeem His creation. It is through the finished work of Christ Jesus that lives are reborn, the church is empowered, and the Kingdom of God is revealed.

In the Lordship of Jesus

Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God, became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit. He who is true God became true man united in one Person forever. Through His perfect, sinless life and His death on the cross, sinners are made saints through His atonement for sin and imputed righteousness. On the third day He arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven, where at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Mediator. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

In the Infallibility of Scripture

All Scripture is God-breathed, self-verifying, unwavering truth that demands our unreserved submission in all areas of life. The infallible Word of God, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and unified witness to God’s redemptive acts culminating in the incarnation of the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16)


As a Presbyterian church, Hebron is under the guidance of a Session, comprised of elders, described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. The elders are elected from the membership to a three-year term to serve Hebron through pastoral care and decision making at all levels. Dan Brown - Clerk of Session, Dan Gallagher, Bill Kear, Tom Kellner, Margie Krogh, John Schrenker, Jill Scott, Marty Sidlo, Mike Tomashewski, Rob Warner, Mark Webb, and Lynn Zimmer


The deacons are individuals who are responsible for the care and nurture of the church family. Deacons are identified in the Bible as people called to sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ They actively serve the church family for three years.  Paul Adams, Beverly Barilla, Lisa Barry, Patti Brennan, Diane Brown, Sandy Chastek, Nancy Davis, Sandy Greer, Sue Kramer, Bruce Krogh, Tim Kudrav, MarJean Miller, Sue Pierce, Bill Russell, Deb Schirm, John Shirer, Tina Sparano, Susan Walendziewicz, Lona Wilson, and Hodge Worsham.


The Board of Trustees at Hebron is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the church buildings and grounds.  Matt Chastek, Kenneth Collier, Nick Funyak, Rob Gaunt, Bud McCutcheon, Adam Miller, Bob Morrow, Rob Morrow, David Mulock,  Steve Sanders, Dave Schirm, and Gordon Slippy.


Henry Knapp – Senior Pastor

Henry joined the staff as Co-Pastor in 2019 and transitioned into the position of Senior Pastor on September 1, 2021. He became a believer while a student at Carnegie Mellon University, and then received a call during his graduate study years to join the CCO staff at Bellefield Church at Pitt. After years of working with college students, he then attended Gordon-Conwell Seminary and Calvin Theological Seminary to acquire his M.Div. and PhD in Historical Theology. He comes to Hebron after serving for 18 years as Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Beaver where his focus was adult discipleship, Christian education, teaching/preaching and overseeing international missions. He loves the outdoors, reading, traveling, family time, and cheering on all Pittsburgh sport teams. Henry and his wife, Kelly, live in Wilkins Twp. and have two adult children—Jason and Sabrina, and a new son-in-law Isaac who all live out East near Philly.


Dan Bender – Director of Family Life Ministry

Danny Bender (Dan, DB, that guy, etc.) returns to Hebron Church after more than a decade of serving churches in Nebraska, Wisconsin and western Pennsylvania. He holds a degree in student ministry from Geneva College and an MDiv from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Over the years, Danny has developed a specialty in Adult Christian Education and Next Generation Ministry. He also completed training to become a Certified Ministry Coach. Danny is excited to come back “home” and invest back in the community that helped him from a young age. Danny and his wife, Leah, have been married since 2010 and have three very active boys. Leah homeschools in the homeschool hybrid academy they attend.


Jerry Zeilstra – Director of Adult Christian Education and Operations

Jerry Zeilstra came on staff in 1988. He now serves as Director of Adult Christian Education and Director of Operations. He is the staff liaison to the Mission and Outreach Team, as well as to the Deacons. He grew up in the Midwest (Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota). He graduated from Geneva College and has taken a number of courses at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He lives in Penn Hills in a house built in 1874, which he enjoys fixing up in his free time and using for ministry. He loves playing the role of “Pa” to 6 and traveling to Abaco and Washington State to hang out with them.


Amy Warner – Traditional and Children’s Worship Leader

Amy has been the Music Director at Hebron since 1994, having graduated from Grove City College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music. Amy plans and leads worship in the Traditional service, directs the Chancel & Bell Choirs and leads Children’s Ministry Worship. Amy and her husband, Rob, live in Mount Pleasant and have two adult kids, Tim and Abby.


Brenden Conway – Worship Leader

Brendan, a gifted musician and artist, is the Worship Leader for our 9:00 service. When he isn’t serving musically at Hebron, he is known as the Pittsburgh Painter Guy, creating amazing works of art including that phenomenal mural in the stairway of the Children’s Wing. Brendan lives in Plum with his wife, Tara, and daughter, Cecilia.


Gus Anderson – Treasurer

Gus is a Certified Public Accountant whose previous experience with non-profits includes Director of Finance at the Jewish Family Service Association of Cleveland and Chief Financial Officer at LifeBank, inc. Gus is married to Lora Lee and they have four children and four grandchildren. In his spare time Gus loves to golf.


Leah Bender – Family Life Ministry Coordinator

Leah Bender currently serves as the Family Life Ministry Coordinator and helps manage volunteers and the church’s various social media accounts. Leah holds degrees in journalism and religious studies, and both she and her husband, Dan, are graduates of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Leah is also the mother of three boys and a native of Minnesota. She has lived in six different states, traveled to 16 countries and worked for an international relief and development organization and a variety of nonprofits. Leah is also a plant and herbal medicine enthusiast and enjoys making natural remedies to keep her family healthy. 


Tim Warner – Family Life Ministry Intern

Tim grew up at Hebron and has been serving with kids and students since he was in high school. He serves as the youth group worship leader and high school boys leader. He graduated from Grove City College in 2022 with a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Biblical and Religious Studies. He works as an application developer for AHN and lives in Oakmont.


Melissa Webb – Office Manager & Family Life Ministry Associate

Melissa Webb has been a member of Hebron Church since 2003 along with her husband Mark whom she met while studying at the University of Pittsburgh.  She is rarely seen without a knitting project and has been helping with costumes for both Linton Middle School and Penn Hills High School Theater Departments since 2018.  Melissa and her family live in Verona and have two adult children attending college.


Lisa Harajda – Administrative Assistant

Lisa holds a degree in Education from Towson State University, as well as a degree in Missiology from Maryland Bible College and Seminary. Lisa recently retired from the Penn Hills School District after 32 years of service. She and her husband, David, live in O’Hara Township and have 2 beautiful girls, Madilyn and Emily. Lisa loves spending time with her family, taking walks, and shopping.


Ethel Keim – Secretary and Organist

Ethel has worked in various positions at Hebron for many years. After she and her husband joined Hebron in 1963, she began using her musical talents by substituting at the organ and playing during worship services. Ethel began to work in the church office in the early 1990s. In addition to serving as part-time church secretary, she serves as organist at the traditional services, Chancel Choir accompanist, and wedding coordinator. Ethel has two sons, four grandchildren, and resides in Penn Hills.