Growth Groups

In addition to Sunday morning worship, Hebron offers Growth Group. Growth Groups are an opportunity for people to meet with others in a relaxed setting that are made up of 6 to 12 people. These groups are a place where we can study the Bible, grow in faith, encourage one another to grow in our love and knowledge of God, share joys and concerns and see how God transforms us through the study of the Bible and through the shared life of others.

The Winter/Spring 2025 term begins the week of January 12.


Sunday Morning— “In the Footsteps of the Savior”
In this video Bible Study, we will journey with Max Lucado through Capernaum, Galilee, Bethany, Jerusalem and more. Max will weave together insights from his own travels to Israel. He will guide us to walk where Jesus walked and ponder the promises he made. This video Bible Study will provide you an encounter with the life altering Holy One as you follow in the footsteps of the Savior.

  •  10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, Barclay Classroom
  •  Leaders: Mary Jo Bernazolli, Linda Casteel

2nd Monday of the month—Esther Circle— “None Like Him”
This study will help you become a “God Fearing Woman” as you study the attributes that belong only to God. When we lose sight of His majesty, we begin to give awe and reverence to ourselves, things or others. Not only is it unwise to give worship to someone else or ourselves, that is the very definition of foolishness. Join us once a month as we learn, fellowship and care for one another.

  • 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Parlor, Main Building
  • Leaders: Carol Riser, Sarah Shorthouse

Tuesday Afternoon Coffee— “The Coming Golden Age”
In spite of all the doom and gloom headlines of today, there awaits a glorious promise—The Millenium — the transition between time and eternity. Please plan to join us as we unpack this exciting, forgotten prophesy where Jesus will literally reign over this earth. “Thy Kingdom come…”

  • 1:00 to 2:30 PM, Barclay Building
  • Leaders: MarJean Miller, Audrey Terebessy, Lucy Siracusa

Tuesday Evening— Forgiven Rebels—”Angels”
Dave Jeremiah’s book on Angels will guide us through a survey of how the Bible separates fact from fiction as it relates to angels. Hollywood and contemporary culture has perhaps confused us about the heavenly realm and how angels function within God’s will and plan. Thirty-four of the Bible’s sixty-six book talk about angels over 250 times, so it seems the Lord wants us to understand these marvelous beings He has created!

  • 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Krogh Home, Penn Hills
  • Leaders: Margie Krogh, Chris Weaver

Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study—Book of II Samuel
Join us as we study Israel’s transformation from a tribal community ruled by judges to a monarchy. God’s providential guidance, sovereign will and power will be on display. This is an exciting period filled with well-loved biblical characters and their stories.

  • 9:15 AM to 11:00 AM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Shirley Dubeau, Pam Smith, Boots Mulock


Sunday Morning— “Church History: The Middle Ages to the Renaissance”
This growth group is a continuation of the fall series on early church history (not necessary to have attended in the fall). We will look at the church from the beginning of the Middle Ages, through the Crusades, the evolution of papal authority, and to the Renaissance. As modern-day Christians, it is important to understand the history of our faith.

  • 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, Parlor, Main Building
  • Leaders: Hodge and Loretta Worsham

Wednesday evening— “Cline Bible Study”—The Fundamentals of Acts
Work, family, friends, politics, faith…who has any energy left? We understand! Drop off the kids at the Nursery and KidVenture and join us for a low-key evening where we explore the fundamentals of Acts.

  • 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Conference room, Main Building
  • Leaders: Ty and Jess Cline

Thursday Evening— “By the Book”I&II Thessalonians
Can you pronounce this Book name without getting tongue tied? Just because the name is hard to say doesn’t mean its message is hard to understand. Join us as we look deeply into Paul’s letters to Thessalonica. We will look at every square inch of them to gain a greater sense of hope by reflecting on what God has done, is doing and will do soon. 

  • 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leader: Dan Bender


Sunday morning— “Living the Life”
Join us as we explore what A.W. Tozer has to say about awakening from spiritual slumber in his book, The Dangers of a Shallow Faith. Challenging and convicting, Tozer seeks to ignite and rekindle a deeper walk with Jesus. In Christ we are God’s handiwork to do His will. It’s imperative. This class is from 2/9 to 5/18 (14 weeks), with no class on Easter (April 20.)

  • 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Dan Gallagher and Bruce Krogh

Tuesday evening— “Names for God in the Bible”
Join us as we continue to read and study Proverbs; and also consider the names attributed to the Lord. God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14

  • 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Frank Cafaro, Bill Kear

Wednesday morning— “Selected Letters from the Apostle Paul”
Walk with us as we follow the Apostle Paul on his third missionary journey and subsequent arrest. We will also be reading selected Pauline letters aloud in their entirety and then we will discuss them.

  • 6:30 AM to 8:00 AM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leader: Bill Kear

Friday evening— “Postmillennialism– The Hopeful Fulfillment of the Great Commission”
(Continuation from fall)
Postmillennialism is an optimistic view of the future, and how the world will end. Postmillennials believe that the great commission – make disciples of all nations – is actually going to be fulfilled; that the nations will overwhelmingly turn to Jesus before He returns. We will discuss how this offers a hopeful Christian worldview and also the challenges this brings to believers as we try to live as Christ called us to.

  • 8:00 PM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Eric Gumkowski