by The Stewardship Team
The IRS filing deadline recently passed; no other time of the year, outside of an election, likely has more Americans grumbling about their government than mid-April. More than two thousand years ago, Jesus looked into humanity’s heart and discerned the root cause of this grumbling-we think that what we earn belongs to us.
Jesus affirmed that not only was human government known by God, but the whole of Scripture tells us of how God uses those in authority to further his purposes- no matter how faithful or sinful they may be. We are reminded in a small way that some of what we earn belongs to someone else. But interestingly enough, can you give something (money) to someone (Caesar) if you do not have a claim on owning it in the first place?
This command illustrates key undertones to the concept of Stewardship. God establishes authorities in creation. He is pleased to have part of the order of the world reflect the idea that for this time, he has placed us in this nation, in this state, in this county and that some of what he ultimately owns should go to them – for the betterment of our neighbors. He is using these institutions to further his ultimate goal of bringing more glory to Himself.
Part of being a cheerful giver is to recognize this order of the world, and to ultimately reflect that all comes from God in an ultimate sense. When we see that, when we make that part of our heart, we don’t hold onto what we have with a closed fist. At first, maybe it is held with a loosened grip and hopefully one day with the Lord’s help, an open palm. When that becomes part of your daily life, you truly can experience the freedom of relying on an unstoppable God and experience the freedom of being a cheerful giver. May we remember that the next time we grumble about our 1040.